Thursday 4 November 2010

Moving up and Moving Out....

Work has calm down. Finally. I thought my head was going explode with all the little details from my nasty day to day. I have been trying and succeeding in writing many new songs in which very shortly I'll be making available throught my blog. As mentioned in the title I has undoublty settled into a new house that is completly mine. No one to share it it with. Its my personal sancutary. My refuge, palace and creative abode.
First song I'll be making available is called the, Blues man.

Thursday 5 August 2010

Song, theviery and photography

After close friend to relative after person I don't know, wishing me to put my music somewhere they can find it, well I did it. Here it is. Here's the thing. Back about 8 months ago I would have cared what you thought about my photography/writing/my musical abilities. Enough said. Note to you. The reader. Paradigm thinking, I'm a big believer.